Ivestment Funds and Private Investors in the hospitality sector

For this type of customers we offer services and consultancy in the field of Hospitality Real Estate. In this sector we have international knowledge and in many cases, relations with Government Institutions and trade associations.

We have a deep knowledge of the hospitality world in general (not just in the hotel sector) and we are keen observers of the changes and opportunities that constantly occur in this sector. Our task is to understand the needs of our customers, supporting their aspirations for expansion, through the selection, identification and acquisition of areas to build or infrastructures to convert, renew, modify, in the field of hospitality.

We operate not only in the hotel sector but also with respect to emerging structures that are renewing the concept of hospitality in the world. The analysis of new trends and the knowledge of emerging markets allow us to serve any company that intends to convert its investment into a successful real estate project.

For these companies we provide:

  • Analysis of the real estate market
  • Identification and selection of assets, properties and concessions that can guarantee a balanced investment
  • Assistance during any due diligence
  • Support in the architectural development of the project starting from scratch
  • Support in supervising the concept if entrusted to others
  • Support in the verification of all documentation and permissions related to the project
  • Supportduring negotiation phase
  • Support in identifying credit Institutions to gain access to financial support
  • Support in product placement on the market
  • Support in the selection of international property management brands
  • Support in the implementation of budgets and sales projections
  • Support in the supervision of any construction sites and redevelopment processes

We are a company that lends its service to implement projects of any size and allows investment companies or private investors to have less worries coming for the first time into a new market, this thanks to our network of contacts and the support of our team.

The countries in the world in which we operate ensuring coverage of mentioned services: Italy, Europe, South East Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore), China, Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, South Africa, Kenya and Tanzania, Japan, United States, Canada, Mexico.

Where we do not get directly on site we still have professional contacts that can equally allow us to offer an accurate and personalized service. We offer in-depth analysis and – above all – we always proceed with the required caution to avoid any wrong investment. We operate in compliance with the invested capitals, delivering disinterested assessments, thanks to our role as procurers of business and not mediators. We are able to operate in many market segments in the field of hospitality and real estate in particular: urban hotels, beach resorts, countryside hotels, innovative hostels, students apartments, private villas.

URBAN HOTELS: We believe this type of hotels must be watched with particular attention, thanks to the ever-increasing presence of air-carriers as well as to the improvements in the rail and road systems in the main metropolitan areas, urban hotels are becoming more and more an interesting product. Oltretutto Global Solutions proposes an innovative approach in this business segment and putting its skills at the service of client investors, ensures significant returns. We make sure your investment gets the visibility it deserves in the market and this determines an immediate positive reflection on profits. We are able to assist companies that are willing to invest in all the major cities in Italy as well as in Europe and in all the capitals of the world. We offer a complete package of services which covers the process from the selection of real estate properties or sites where to build to the launch of the hotel in the market.

BEACH RESORTS: Beach resorts are an important asset on which we can ensure a deep national and international competence. The analysis of seasonality and the alternation of tourist flows, in addition to evaluations about the type of product distribution or the conversion of properties in this segment, are activities that Oltretutto Global Solutions performs on a regular basis. We are able to support national or international investors who wish to expand their offer in different countries of the world. Hotels in beach areas are not an easy product, but at the same time may be a great opportunity, the concept of the structure and the services that it offers may significantly reduce any potential investment risk. We are also able to support investors in the selection of hotel management companies or in the identification of international brands that operate their properties.

COUNTRYSIDE HOTELS AND RESORTS: This new type of structures has developed outside the centers of greater interest over the last few decades and has highlighted an aspect that the hospitality world must consider before venturing into an investment project. The asset must be developed taking into great consideration the spectacularization of the structure itself which must be in total harmony with the surroundings, at the same time it will be equally important to identify a hotel management capable of forging an unmistakable touch. Oltretutto Global Solutions aims to support projects that have this kind of ambition as we believe this is the only balance that will allow to ensure an adequate return on investment.

HOSTELS: Overnight stay, for young people, no longer means looking for a bed where to find a well-deserved rest, this clientele – differently from the past – doesn’t select an hotel just because it is clean and has the standard amenities as it happened in the past. These structures may still be called “hostels” but this word no longer has the meaning it had until few years ago; hostels nowadays must grant this “new generation of travelers” low cost services and – above all – allow interaction between the guests. While internet has reduced virtual distances providing information, suggestions and evaluations, hostels are instead reducing phisical gaps bringing their clients together sharing their experiences. Oltretutto Global Solutions can efficiently support investors who have the sensitivity to explore new trends, should your company match this profile do not hesitate to contact us.

STUDENTS APARTMENTS: Relocating for studying reasons has become a catchment area for new customers and should be considered with great attention. In cities where large universities attract students from all over the world, a new need has arisen: students must find places where they can stay during their school years which will allow them to follow their studies in the best possible condition. This voluntary relocation has defined a new type of prospect customers who, due to their characteristics, need hotel-like infrastructures, a dedicated area for studying, interaction with other students, a room where to sleep and a strategic position near the university and – possibly – the city downtown. Converting properties into innovative students apartments is an area of business where Oltretutto Global Solutions has invested its time and competences and we are eager to assist buildings’ owners who may take into consideration selling their properties or changing their destination of use as well as companies that would like to develop this interesting real estate segment.

PRIVATE VILLAS: The dream of building your own villa in the tropics, but also the desire to turn this asset into a productive business by ensuring a guaranteed income, is the dream of every investor. Oltretutto Global Solutions is able to assist you in each phase of your project, advising during the planning and building stages and managing the income of private villas that have been built for this purpose. We operate in Bali and in Mauritius and in these locations we are able to ensure that the investment is made in compliance with local laws and regulations and that the management ensures a very interesting annual return on investment. Besides of course the pleasure of being able to go there every time you want.

Our task – summarizing – is to offer active advice in the selection, implementation, design and study of real estate investments in the field of hospitality. We are not brokers and we are not interested in roles that involve buying and selling, but we are a company able to assist investors or owners who want to safely invest through a path that we are able to follow from planning to implementation.

Our team offers, through direct and indirect collaborations, professional advice from architects, engineers, interior designers, lawyers and tax consultants. We are a competent and ambitious team, but also respectful of the value of every type of investment and for this reason our role ensures balance and attention to investors, fundamental elements for the success of any project.
